Stop Waiting for Someone to Produce you

I can remember when I would wait for opportunities to come to me. I would stand by the idea that "whatever is supposed to happen will happen" and then one day it occurred to me that all I was really doing was hiding. What was behind that hiding was, "Who do I think I am to be amazing and fabulous, AND wealthy?" I wasn't coded for success. I was coded for approval.

Since I've been coaching other entrepreneurs on building their own successful, sustainable businesses, I've seen this same syndrome dozens if not hundreds of times. Sometimes it's a question of, "Will I really be able to handle the success?" or "If I am so abundant and successful, then I'm taking away from others." Of course, neither of these is true. First, you are always set up to put systems in place that will embrace your growth rather than stunt it and second, the more successful you are, then the more success there is for others. There is nothing spiritual, kind, or gracious about holding yourself back because when you do, you are actually holding others back as well. When you hold back your gifts, you rob the world. Your gifts are not for you alone. When you truly use your talents to serve others, then you are truly living your purpose and when you profit from this-even better; you have more to give and the success cycle fuels itself. See?

Now that we have that straight, let's go to the deeper form of sabotage I've seen in others and myself: waiting for someone else to do it for you. That same question of, "Who do I think I am?" can be pretty sly and sneaky by fooling us into believing we aren't capable, which shows itself as, "I don't know enough," or "If I do this and succeed, then people will see that I'm actually capable and no one will take care of me. I'll always have to do everything by myself." Yikes. This is also cutting off your purpose and, I can pretty much bet on it, stunting your profit.

This is what I call the Lana Turner myth. Lana Turner was an incredible, academy award-winning actress who passed away in 1995. The story is she skipped one of her high school classes at Hollywood High and was then discovered by a talent agent at the local drugstore as she sat there sipping her soda and the rest is history. Now parts of this story are true, but what's also true is no one is going to come along and produce you (just hand you all of your business success)! Now really ask yourself, would you actually want that to happen? Where's your opportunity to become authentically powerful? The part of the Lana Turner story that isn't talked about is the energy she put into her career to sustain and take care of it. It's time for you to produce yourself.

So what do you do?

If you really want to set your business up to shine; however, find yourself looking to others to do it for you, the first step I highly recommend is stop doing what you've always done. That's right. This is the golden rule. Invest your resources in getting some major accountability around moving out of your comfort zone (or as someone just recently said to me, "the soup that has you stuck") and you will begin to connect with your own code of greatness. Whatever belief you've had up until now will begin to shift to what your true code is: magnificence. I have met many entrepreneurs who have what they want for themselves in their businesses; however, I've met hundreds who believe they can't and will spend a lot of time telling me why. (Hint: it usually has to do with blaming something or someone external instead of looking at what they could do differently.) Instead, they believe they must settle, pay a price, or try to figure out what the market wants. Start focusing on producing the magnificence in you and the rest (marketing, getting clients, etc.) will start to take care of itself.


Get honest with yourself. Are you waiting for someone else to take care of your success?

Ask yourself, "What is my current business code?"

Now, what needs to happen for you to embrace that your true code is one of magnificence? What would that look like? How can you invest in yourself to support this?

Begin to be in your business what you are truly meant to be. (Remember, when you shine, others are given permission to do the same.)

About the Author:

Heather Dominick, Solo-Entrepreneur Expert, has over 10 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heather

Article Source: - Stop Waiting for Someone to Produce you

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